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Episode #
February 9, 2022

The Great Resignation with Dr Kim Howell

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Episode Overview

Dr. Kim Howell is a depth psychologist, consultant, and coach. In this episode, she joins Tony to share her three points on The Great Resignation including:

  • Why people don't feel seen, heard or amplified
  • Why people are realising work is a relationship
  • Why people are tumbling down the rabbit hole

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Episode Guest

Dr. Kimberly Howell on the Three Points Podcast

Dr. Kimberly Howell

Dr. Kim Howell’s approach to learning and coaching combines radical compassion, amplification of the margins, and irreverence toward the status quo. Her seminal research highlights how the culture of place affects the marginalized, and she has since presented and published works on topics such as marginalization, body image, and innovations in adult learning.

Kim received her MA and PhD in depth psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, MBA in management and organizational behavior from California Lutheran University, and BA in Business Management from the University of Phoenix. She is a contributing author in Seeing in the Dark: Wisdom Works by Black Women in Depth Psychology.

Kim’s personal passions include 80s metal bands, pop psychology, and dog-earing issues of Vogue. You can learn more about Kim at

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