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Episode #
December 11, 2024

Great Leaders Develop Talent with Al Dea

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Episode Overview

Al Dea is a consultant, facilitator, podcast host, and keynote speaker. He is the Founder of The Edge of Work, a leadership development firm that helps organizations attract and develop talent. Al also helps organizations improve their culture in a changing world of work.

In this episode, Al shares his three points on how great leaders develop talent: 

  • Every leader should proactively develop the talent of each employee.
  • Development is a practice, but through small but consistent actions, it can pay off over time.
  • Organizations should create a culture of development.

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Episode Guest

Al Dea Three Points Podcast by People Playbook

Al Dea

Al Dea is a consultant, facilitator, and keynote speaker. He is the Founder of The Edge of Work, a leadership development firm that helps organizations across the corporate, higher education, and non-profit sectors attract and develop talent and improve organizational culture in a changing world of work.

Al works at the intersection of the future of work, organizational strategy, and talent. His thinking and insights have been published in Forbes, Fast Company, and Business Insider outlets. Al is also the Host of The Edge of Work podcast, a podcast about the future of work and leadership, and a LinkedIn Top Voice in the Future of Work and Leadership.

Al previously worked at organizations, including Deloitte Consulting LLP and Salesforce,  where he advised Fortune 500 companies on human capital strategies and digital transformation. Al received his Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Theology from Boston College and his Master’s in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

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