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Episode #
December 7, 2022

Overcoming Depression with Dr. Stephen Ilar

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Episode Overview

Dr. Stephen Ilardi is a clinical researcher, professor, podcaster, author and public speaker. In this episode he shares three points on overcoming depression including:

  1. Using movement as medicine
  2. Feeding your brain what it needs
  3. Beating negative thought patterns

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Episode Guest

Dr. Stephen Ilardi on the Three Points Podcast

Dr. Stephen Ilardi

Steve Ilardi is a professor of psychology and a clinical researcher specialising in the treatment of mental illness.  He's worked with several hundred patients suffering from clinical depression and other serious disorders and has authored over 50 scholarly articles and papers on mental illness.

Over the last two decades, Dr. Ilardi and his research team have developed and refined a promising treatment program for depression called Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (TLC).

This innovative approach is grounded in the reality that we as humans were never designed for the indoor, socially isolated, sleep-deprived, fast-food-laden, screen-addicted, frenetic pace of 21st-century life. His TEDx Talk "Depression Is a Disease of Civilization", has been viewed over 2 million times and his book "The Depression Cure" has been translated into 11 languages.

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