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Episode #
May 1, 2024

Radical Candor with Kim Scott

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Episode Overview

Kim Scott is the author of Radical Candor and her new book Radical Respect. Kim was a CEO coach at Dropbox, Qualtrics, Twitter, and other tech companies. She was a member of the faculty at Apple University and before that led AdSense, YouTube, and DoubleClick teams at Google.

In this episode, Kim shares her three points on “Radical Candor”.

  • Care Personally
  • Challenging Directly
  • Top tips to install the habits of being radically candid 

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Episode Guest

Kim Scott author of Radical Respect: How to Work Together Better

Kim Scott

Kim Scott is the author of Radical Respect: How to Work Together Better and Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity and co-founder of the company Radical Candor. Kim was a CEO coach at Dropbox, Qualtrics, Twitter, and other tech companies. She was a member of the faculty at Apple University and before that led AdSense, YouTube, and DoubleClick teams at Google. Prior to that Kim managed a pediatric clinic in Kosovo and started a diamond-cutting factory in Moscow.

She co-hosts the podcasts Radical Candor and Radical Respect.  She lives with her family in Silicon Valley.

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